Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Ten things I am going to miss in Boston

(In semi-particular order)

10. Harvard Square - All of its restaurants, bars, and hang out spots. Urban Outfitters. New England brick buildings, the Charles River and all the wicked smaht people.

9. The T - You may not get it till you live it, but there is a freedom in being dependent on public transportation.

8. The Boston Public Library - Simply entering it will make you more intelligent.

7. One Boston Place - The management team, the tenants, and ready access to the rooftop of the third tallest building in the city.

6. The history
- The old mixed with the new. The foundation and start of so many aspects of this country. Pretty architecture.

5. The North Shore - OK, so technically this isn't Boston, but I'm so obsessed it had to at least be mentioned.

4. Dunkin Donuts - Every 2 blocks.

3. Fresh seafood
- Two weeks ago I caught my own 14 lb striped bass and had that thing for dinner. (Actual picture below)

2. The water - Colorado may have beautiful mountains,

but they will never be my ocean.

1. These people.
(Especially Sherri...roommate of 7 years)

*Photograph credits go to: Google images, Sherri Lane, Sean Switzer, Corinn Springer, Dave Krauss, random guy at Earth Fest, Phil Walton


Sherri said...

hmmm. I would've been much more satisfied had this been your first post, but I suppose I'll take it. (me vs. lizzard for the rest of your life btw. hehe. love you lizzard, and yes, I do realize you are winning)

hehe. :)

Sherri said...
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trex-mex said...

I like :) ps I was watching a movie on the other day that was suppose to be in Boston and it totally wasn't and i got upset. I think I actually said out loud to myself "That is NOT the BPL!!"

Can't fool me

Lizzy said...

I'll always win until you move to Colorado. Keep that in mind Sherrald.