Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What's In a Name?

I’ve been working on this major (tedious) project on the job front for the past few days. It involves going through every access card in our system. Which means I must read every name of every tenant on the property.

I have come across some p r e t t y awesome ones.
Here’s a little taste:

Jim Reszetucha – I enjoy when first names don’t quite seem to match the last

Carter Boardman – This guy should definitely run for president

Wink Schram – I know this man and not only does he have a jolly name, he actually looks like Santa Claus

Aaron Yacko – I have a feeling this guy is painfully shy

Barney Fix – I envision a purple dinosaur with a Tim the Toolman Taylor tool belt

Kyla Gottgetreu – This one crunches in your mouth on its way out

Wade Wheatlake – Fun to say, even more fun to visualize

Gary Outlaw – Accountant by day; cowboy when the sun goes down

James Bonds – His first name is actually Tony, but he goes by his middle. I would too.

And my personal favorite: Reliford Raven – Clad in a black trench coat, solemnly whispering “Nevermore, nevermore.”

I wonder if my blog will come up when these people Google themselves now...

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