Friday, August 13, 2010

This is it!

This day has finally come. Today is my last day in Boston. After months of planning and prepping it's almost hard to believe I will be saying goodbye to this city and people that I love to embark on a new and exciting journey. But I am ready.

The last two weeks + have been some of the most draining days of my life - physically (late nights with friends, early work mornings), mentally (training someone for your job is much more difficult than just doing your job), and emotionally (as I am sure you can imagine). However, I have never been more confident or at peace with a decision. As my good friend, Payal, spoke to me:

"When something is meant to be, the path will be cleared."

This experience has proven that to me over and over again. From an amazing apartment in my price range, to the opportunity to live once again with good friends from college, to our landlords leaving behind their guest bedroom furniture for me to use, to my step-mom getting a new car and selling me her old one, to the car insurance not expiring until the end of the month, to getting a job before I even move out there (with a raise), to Sean flying back from Africa through NYC so he'll be able to do the 2000 mile drive with me. But more than anything, I have never felt more loved and supported by those in my life. God is good and I am undeservedly blessed.

Among the many things I have already stated that I will miss, here are a few more:

The love of my life. My handsome man. We shall be reunited again.

This building and all of the people in it.

Yes, there are a LOT more people than just these two, but I am really going to miss seeing their faces everyday.

No, I will NOT miss the whipping winds and icy rain.

So many things to look forward to though....


Sherri said...

Boston won't be the same without you, Mellard! But Colorado will be all the better :)

I love you!!!

Lizzy said...

Yes it will! I am excited for you to be here so I can actually talk to you for the first time in weeks!!!

Also, I got a little emotional reading this post.