Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I Told You I Would

It's been a long time coming (I am feeling a bit overwhelmed by regular work, preparing for my replacement, tying up loose ends, packing, getting things straightened out with HR (you will be happy to know I passed my background and drug tests), selling stuff on craigs list, collecting my medical files, trying to figure out the name/ID dilemma that has haunted me for my entire life and is preventing me from getting a CO driver's license, etc. all while trying to spend as much time with my roommates and friends doing FUN Bostony things), but I am finally going to tell you about my new job.

It began with a conversation with a contact my current boss has in CO. She works for CBRE and, as it turns out, is an awesome person. She hooked me up with a phone interview a while back. Long story short, they offered me the job then 2 days later took it back. Bummer. But I was not going to give up!

I took the initiative and reached out to the head of Asset Services (a fancy name for Property Management) - let's call him Mr. B- and arranged to meet him the Friday before I trekked into the mountains with the fam. Two days after agreeing to a conversation, Mr. B sent me an exciting email asking me to call him to discuss a potential opportunity. Long story once again shortened, I would meet with him and then have a real live interview immediately afterwards.

Conversation with Mr. B went well. Until the time for the interview was nearing...

"Melody, I have some disconcerting news. Just yesterday I received a phone call from the owners of the properties we were hoping to send you to. The have decided to renegotiate their loan with the bank, and more than likely the whole complex will be foreclosed by Fall."

Dagger to my heart.

We proceeded with the interview, but the whole time it felt as though we were all thinking Why am I even here if the buildings are going to be closed in a few months?

I left the whole process fairly downtrodden.

As a wonderful pick-me-up, Sean took me to a REAL Mexican Restaurant (Boston may know seafood, but we have it all wrong when it comes to a good chimichanga). Half way through my enchilada, my phone rang.
It was Mr. B!

"Melody, we think you're great. We want to keep you with CBRE. But it's going to require some flexibility on your part. We'll start you at the aforementioned-soon-to-be-foreclosed complex with plans to move you over to some newly acquired medical buildings in October. And the best part, we're going to pay you more than you make in super expensive Boston. Are you on board?"

CBRE...guess we're stickin together for a bit longer!


Ahn said...

excellent news. that is very exciting!

Christina Marie said...

yay congrats!

Lizzy said...

woop woop!

Anonymous said...

Who would knowingly miss the opportunity to hire someone like you! They would be CRAZY! Congratulations! They are gettng one special gal!