Friday, October 1, 2010

Last Weekend Cont

It all began with a bike ride to a bar to meet friends where we partook in libations before heading to the Ogden Theater for an incredible concert. (Have I mentioned I live less than a mile from THREE sweet theaters?)

I saw Matt & Kim open for a band in Boston before anyone much knew who they were, but let me say, as the headliners and with 1.5 more years performing experience they truly outdid themselves this time around. Absolutely one of the most high energy, fun and engaging performances I have ever been a part of. And that’s how the audience felt—a part of the whole experience.

For a happy moment, listen to this one. It’s also their most well-known song.

Grooveshark Widgets - Music Playlists for Your MySpace & Blog

So, all was going well and great until the return home when Sean went to get in his car and couldn’t find it. We walked the whole area, but sure enough, the ’91 desert tan Beamer was gone. Police were called. Report was filed. Tear were shed (on the inside). More on that later...

Saturday, Liz and I spent a relaxing afternoon on our sunny porch with one of our last summer cocktails.

I proceeded to kick her butt in Scrabble then we headed off with some new friends to the Glendale Raptors vs. Denver Highlanders rugby game. I always knew rugby was rough, but oh man…it’s rough.

Sat night was spent curled up on the couch with the whole apartment. (I had to get up to take the picture).

For a run down of Sunday’s adventures, check out our day at Garden of the Gods on Liz’s blog (sometimes we share pictures and give each other blog shout outs. Ok, really I don’t own a camera and want to be fair about stealing all of her pictures. Plus her blog is fun, endearing, and worth a look) as well as my last post on mine and Sean’s trip up the mountains.

Ok, so back to the missing car. It’s stolen Friday night. No word or sign of it all weekend. Tuesday, 4:00am, Sean receives a phone call from the Denver Police Department.

“We have found your car. It is in Las Vegas.”

From that point on lots happens, but in summery: over the last 3 days the car was removed from the impound and sold. Time to find a new car. Anyone have a good/afforbale one for sale?


Jenna van said...

Scrabble and cocktails was my favorite.

Ahn said...

wow...that is terrible luck. does he get any money back for it?

Melody said...

After paying to have it removed from the impound he got less than $300 for it.

Sherri said...

holy caracus!! it's like a law an order episode! this entry had me on the edge of my seat the whole time.